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I guess this is the place where I Introduce me, to you lot!

Well, Im a big fellow weighs about 110kg 5kg up and down, 182cm above the sea have sandblond hair of wich I have lost enough to make a safe landingstrip for the flies, loosing hair is a trademark in my family so it doesnt bother me besides the high prices at the barbers, lot of cash for no job... I furthermore have red beard and glasses.

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My Interests
I have got into alot of fun stuff over the years.

In school I was a hotshot in football, but was not allowed to keep it up due to doctors order...

sports Fishing

Biking - and later on motorbiking, Hehehe...

Scubadiving for a while.

Travel not in the traditional way, but
hitch-hiking, trekking, and looking at places from a different kind of angel.

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